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Before Completion[]

Joe Cool Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Joe (周海涛) <>

Hope y’all are sitting down right now because this one is going to be BIG. How big, you ask? Well, you might just be talking to the guy who negotiated a deal to make ALL of the light-up color changing vapes that Cool Dad is going to give away on this year’s global tour!! DANG!! Am I right? This is a HUGE deal for us. Literally MILLIONS of these are going to be given away!
Carl Re: Cool Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Carl Tesky <>

Looks rather straightforward. We get colour values in, then we control some LEDs to get the shade we want. (I put a bunch of extra LEDs in the prototyping bin too, since those should be fun to play with.)

Little tip for you: See the little triangle at the beginning of an XBus data packet? That’s when *all* of those values in that packet are coming in. It’s not like it’s one per time unit, yea?

Shame that Cool Dad’s actual “music,” if I can even call it that, sounds like 2008-era dubstep crossed with a Parliamentary debate, if Parliament were populated entirely by screaming macaws. I have no idea why he’s famous.

David Re: Cool Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: David 戴维 P. Solomon <>

My girlfriend Xiaomei is a fan. Some of it is quite danceable!

After Completion[]

Lili Re: Cool Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Wu Lili 吴丽丽 <>

Greetings all. With every project we take, there are factors we can control and factors we cannot control. We could *not* control the fact that Cool Dad was arrested and jailed for possession of amphetamines as he attempted to enter Japan, thus canceling the world tour. However, there was something under our control, and that was the terms of the deal. We *could* have negotiated a better contract that would have allowed us some recourse if something like this happened, instead of leaving us on the hook with a hundred thousand useless color-changing light-up vapes for us to dump at basement prices just to get rid of them.

Lili Wu


  • radio-rx is a non-blocking XBus input connected to a radio receiver.
  • red, green, and blue are simple outputs connected to an ultra-bright RGB (tri-color) LED from top to bottom.
  • When a data packet is received over the radio, pulse the LED as specified:
red intensity green intensity blue intensity pulse duration
  • If a data packet is received while a pulse is in progress, interrupt that pulse.