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Carl Undocumented instruction!

From: Carl Tesky <>

So, I was chatting with a mate at the pub and it comes to light those Chengshang Micro microcontrollers we use everywhere have a secret instruction that isn’t in any of the documentation.

Takes the format of:

   gen P R/I R/I

...and it conveniently generates a pulse on any simple I/O pin! The signal switches on (100) then off (0) for however many time units you want using the last two operands.

   gen P X Y

is equivalent to:

   mov 100 P
   slp X
   mov 0 P
   slp Y

Bloody hell. I could have been using this all along and saved so many instructions!

J, did you know about this?

Jie Re: Undocumented instruction!

From: 张杰 <>

Yes. Actually, it is in the documentation… the Chinese version. Just like the @ conditional.


Carl Re: Undocumented instruction!

From: Carl Tesky <>

Jie Re: Undocumented instruction!

From: 张杰 <>

Seems like many instructions are not translated yet.

Putting an @ symbol at the beginning of an instruction causes it to execute only once. How have you been initializing code?


Carl Re: Undocumented instruction!

From: Carl Tesky <>

Yeah okay I see how it is.